
My studio is dedicated to redefining the common perception of beauty in the built form, demystifying the complex process of exploring spatial and strategic relationships while respecting project constraints.

Design is in my DNA. Through listening, analyzing, defining and ideation, experiences can be scripted to make specific brand environments that resonate spatially. As a partner to clients, I analyze constraints through a collective lens, developing strategic design opportunities that manifest in innovative spaces reflecting a brand, mission and values. I endeavor to create unique spaces of experience, in all environments regardless of typology.

With many years experience, I am a design and client leader deeply committed to the entire process of the project from concept to completion. I love creating fresh environments showing clients that thinking outside the box can enrich their brand; creating new spaces to enhance the experience of all typologies. 

Respected as a talented designer, I have a profound passion in what I do, down to the last detail. As a leader, I excel at running design studios and teams, working closely to draw out individual voices that lead to strong ideas and quantifiable results for premium client delivery. Recognized as an innovative designer in hospitality, residential and workplace markets, I collaborate with all stakeholders to develop thoughtful, concrete solutions for each creative endeavor. Through my experience, I know what is possible, reaching towards the ‘impossible’ to make unique spaces that are fresh and on the edge of current culture.

My work is sophisticated and fun, beautiful and comfortable, bringing embellishments to modernism that define a meaningful, timeliness aesthetic in every space for living and working.  As a design champion, I understand all scales intimately, connecting the disciplines of architecture and interiors, transcending traditional notions of space, balancing beauty and function with the client’s need to remain competitive.

Finally, I have acquired vast experience from working on various scaled projects while working with Richard Rogers Partnership in London (now Rogers, Stirk, Harbour) as well as Rem Koolhaas at Office For Metropolitan Architecture in Rotterdam. Living abroad in London, Rotterdam, Osaka and Firenze, I have been fortunate to learn from each culture, gathering unique experiences that have broadened and enriched my perspectives.

After being Board Chair for 8 years, I have continued with the Rosa Vera Fund as an Associate Board Member. The RVF is a Not-For-Profit medical fund in Montero Bolivia. Their mission is threefold: to provide preventative, medical and/or social interventions for the children of Montero, Bolivia; to provide training and stipends to local women and men to serve as community healthcare workers; and to award educational scholarships to select health workers. http://www.rosaverafund.org